Full intensity training

Get Started With Group Training Classes

FREE 1-Day Group Training FIT Pass

At FIT Brea, we know that everyone’s health and fitness goals are different. That’s why we encourage each person to pursue fitness in the way that makes the most sense for them. While some people thrive on personal training with an expert fitness coach, others find motivation by working toward their fitness goals alongside likeminded individuals in a group setting. With our FREE 1-day FIT pass, you get to experience our structured group training program without making the commitment to a membership.

With your FREE 1-day group training FIT pass you’ll get:

  • A tour of our training facility, the best gym in Brea, CA!
  • A feel for what group fitness training is like
  • A workout that’s doable but challenging
  • An introduction to one of our fitness coaches or strength and conditioning experts
  • An introduction to our dedicated community of fitness and health minded individuals just like you

Schedule Your Fitness Assessment and 1 Day Group Training FIT Pass

Simply fill out the form below.

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Experience group training at FIT Brea with a one day fit pass
Train at FIT Brea to reach your fitness goals
Experience group training at FIT Brea with a free one day fit pass
Get a 1 day fit pass to experience group training